Automobile Insurance
Tanenbaum Harber knows how important your automobile is to you. We understand that purchasing automobile insurance can be confusing and we strive to simplify the process. Our experienced staff can guide you through the obstacles to find the coverage you need.
You may be one of the safest drivers on the road, yet having a car accident isn't always preventable, even for the most careful driver. It is more important than ever to protect yourself from the expenses arising from an unforeseeable auto accident.
Our carriers offer discounts, including auto/home packages, safe drivers and good students, plus many more! Click on the link below to get a Miami auto insurance quote today!
The above description provides a brief overview of the terms and phrases used within the insurance industry. These definitions are not applicable in all states or for all insurance and financial products. This is not an insurance contract. Other terms, conditions and exclusions apply. Please read your official policy for full details about coverages. These definitions do not alter or modify the terms of any insurance contract. If there is any conflict between these definitions and the provisions of the applicable insurance policy, the terms of the policy control.