While the current working conditions have impacted the way we all do business, Tanenbaum Harber has been refining our business continuity plans and preparing for potential threats that impact our ability to serve you, our customers. While most of our continuity plans are focused on perils similar to the ones we have traditionally insured against, such as fires or hurricanes, they have been easily adapted to the current COVID-19 conditions. Our operational details include:
We are considered an essential business and as such we must continue to serve you in modified ways. We are practicing “Social Distancing” and “Shelter in Place”. Much of our staff has been working remotely since March 16, 2020. We have provided them with the technological resources needed to do their jobs in a safe and efficient manner. These include our cloud-based computers, ip telephone system, email and text communication systems.
We still have a reduced staff in the office where our employees have been instructed to practice social distancing.
These employees are essential for the workflow of paper documents that arrive in our office every day.
We have always used disinfectant products in our office to protect our staff. We have multiple stations in strategic office locations with Hand Sanitizer, Clorox Wipes and Lysol Spray Disinfectant. In addition, our landlord has added janitorial staff to disinfect key touch points throughout our office and the building common areas.
All Tanenbaum Harber Associates continue to be available on their direct telephone numbers, through our attended switchboard operator and email. Please do not hesitate to contact any of us if you have any questions, comments or concerns.
We will continue to serve you, our loyal customers, under our current business continuity plan initiatives and adapt them as the current issues evolve.
Below are number of resource links that you may find useful during this COVAD-19 outbreak.
Health and Wellness:
We want to ensure that all our clients, employees and friends can stay healthy and fit while also preventing the spread of the Coronavirus. Here are a few videos to help you stay fit and healthy.
Stay Fit & Active:
Cultural& Zoo Tours:
Smithsonian’s National Zoo
National Women’s History Museum –
Broward Museum of Discovery